Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Books I am reading this week Nov 2, 2011

Tempting Evil - Amy Brennan Moodle for Dummies Network + Excavation by James Rollin = Good book I just spent 5 days without power and in the dark and freezing. It was so cold in my house that I could see my breath. I read books under 5 quilts and with a flashlight. Interesting but so glad that it is over! I was thinking I wish I had a hero man to cover me. I would not be cold then but hot and steamy and sweaty!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Books I am reading this week October 24, 2011

The information by James Gleck (history of information)
Ghandi by Jad Adams
Ethan Allen by Willard Randall (very good)
10-10-10 by Susie Welch
Physics of the Future


Eve by Iris Johansen
Breaking all the Rules by Suzanne Brockman

RED (this is the 20th time at least) I am that girl and I want a Francis
to kidnap me and rescue me

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Books on my Reading List

Well, starting a new job on Monday! I am hoping I have time to read.
I went to my lovely small town library.

My reading list:

Change your Brain, Change your Body by Daniel G Amen, MD

The Carrot Principle (I think this was on my Amazon Wish list) by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elson

Stepping Stones to Success

Trouble in Paradise by Robert B. Parker

Thin Air by Robert B. Parker

Life without Limits by Nick Vujicic

Tenting on the Plains by Elisabeth Custer (wife of General Custer)

Bette Davis by David son

also what I am teaching myself:

Purchased Adobe Elearning Suite and will learn Captivate, Flash and already know Dreamweaver and Photoshop.


Studying for Security + and Network +.


a new job!

Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Secret Soldier by Alex Berenson

John Wells has left the CIA and is asked by the King of Saudia Arabia to find out who is behind terrorist attacks in the country. One of these attacks kills the King's graddaughter. This is the 4th in the series. Wells is living with a new love and seems to have forgotten about Exley. He takes on the work of the King and then the CIA becomes involved so characters from all the previous books are in the last book. Action packed. I read it in one night.

I love this author and I am 'into' the character John Wells. I pray for a man like him. The character, John Wells, is a real American hero who has paid a high price for his loyalty and dedication to his country.

I have read all the books in this series. Each and every one of the 4 books in this series are good. All are 'must reads.'

Friday, July 22, 2011

Beyond Mars and Venus - A Buddist's Perspective

Beyond Mars and Venus - A Buddist's Perspective by Susan Andrus

Before the review, some notable quotes:

"But how do we change our thoughts, our reality, our communication patterns and our negotiation skills? According to learning theorists, it takes 1500 repetitions for the average person to learn a new skill and perform it at an automatic level. It takes 3000 for a slow lerner and about 500 repetitions for a genius. Repeating practice reinforces the learning and makes those cells in the brain connect in new ways until the task is performed without 'thinking'."

Other than this interesting factual information, I did not get anything from this book. The author talked about communication and dialogue and "Buddahood" or something of that sort. Glad I did not buy it. Glad I went to the library. I did learn one interesting fact. I have to do something 1500 times before I get it right I wonder if learning theorists took into account old age and dementia? Too funny.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Learn How Extreme Athletes Use Intelligent Risk Taking to Succeed in Business

So far, this is an excellent book. I am going to summarize it so that I can refer back!

I cannot stop reading and re-reading this book. Every time I go back, I find something else that resonates.

One sentence felt like a punch in the gut. "Eliminate the victim mentality, victims are loser." Those words felt like a punch in the gut. A slap in the face. A hard kick in the ass. From those words I learned the following:

Identifying with victimization is putting yourself in a 'losing' state or frame of mind. Instead, realize that:

1. Shit happens and happens to everyone.
2. Adapt to it.
3. Change you and change the circumstances.
4. Learn from the situation.
5. Don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back.
6. Move ahead fiercely, fearlessly and triumph.

The author talks about "lessons from the edge" which fall into 3 categories: personal excellence, team leadership and team excellence. Isn't that somewhat what we are taught in the military?

In the 3 categories it is broken down further:
1. Personal excellence: Honor your Passion, Know your Limitations, Welcome Humility, Exclude Integrity, Get Coached, Liberate your Ideas, Be a stimulus for Passion, Define your Goals, Be Ready to Seize Opportunity, Practice Resilence, Never Give Up, Focus Yields Efficiency.

2. Team Leadership: Your team is critical, Abhor Mediocrity and Average Behavior, Eliminate the Victim Mentality, Influence Others with your Behaviors and Results, Create ways for people to achieve as part of the team, Maintain Situational Awareness,
Celebrate your Victories.

3. Team Excellence: Insist on Goal Clarity,See Risk as a Tool, not as a threat, Manage Risk with Contigency Thinking, Be Fluid, Focus Outward, You have to find a way.

Still on Chapter 2 but good book!